At Procademy we often write about it: the optimal set-up and functioning of your Learning Management System. A rewarding subject, but before you can actually set up a learning pathway, it is of course good to know what that learning pathway must meet. What are actually essential components of a hybrid (off- and online) program? We take you through four of them!
#1 Who are you creating the learning program for?
Ok, this door is obviously already wide open: analyzing the target audience is a crucial step in designing a successful Learning Management System (LMS). But what do you pay attention to? First of all, make sure you have a good idea of who your learners are and what their needs and expectations are. One way to surface this is through a task analysis, where you start carefully analyzing the tasks your target learners perform. Which tasks deserve deeper attention? It makes sense to look at the different learning styles and levels of users and how they learn best. So: which tone of voice suits whom? And which knowledge can be considered as assumed for which target group?
Cut a piece off? How about just asking your student yourself? A good way to analyze your target audience is through interviews or surveys. This provides an opportunity to communicate directly with your intended learner to find out needs and expectations. Finally, look at demographics such as age, gender, education level and experience with an LMS in general: do you need to explain more about how your online tool works?
What doesn't work in any case: making assumptions. Without actually consulting the target audience. It is also not effective to focus too much on technology and too little on the needs of your target audience. Of course, it is wonderful what is possible in today's online tools. But is it necessary? Does it serve your specific learning purpose? It is useful to use technology to enhance the learning experience, but it is equally important to consider the needs and wants of your specific target audience.
In summary, analyzing your target audience is essential for a successful Learning Management System. The more direct the feedback, the better. Technology is nice, but don't stare blindly at it.
#2 A solid foundation
You're probably thinking, "nice and abstract, a solid foundation. So let's make that more concrete: it's important to establish clear standards for setting up your learning pathways and to ensure that all departments can use those standards in the same way. This can be done, for example, through clear communication and training.
Consider creating a clear vision and strategy around the use of a Learning Management System. By establishing this vision and strategy and communicating it to all departments, employees and trainers, you create support and everyone knows where they stand. It is also important to provide the necessary support and training to ensure that trainers and learners know how to use the LMS.
What certainly doesn't work: introducing an LMS without clear communication and training. 'Please, here it is.' If employees don't know what is expected of them and how to use the LMS, it irrevocably leads to confusion and frustration. It is therefore important to ensure that trainers and trainees are well informed and have the necessary support.
#3 Create a personal learning plan
A personal learning plan is a structured plan in which you describe an individual's personal learning goals and actions. The plan helps develop a personal approach to achieving these goals, and it promotes the student's responsibility and commitment to his or her own learning.
When creating a personal learning plan, it is important to set realistic and measurable goals, consider personal interests and motivations. You then capture these in achievable steps to reach these goals. An effective personal learning plan also includes identifying obstacles. What stands in the way of achieving goals and how can your learner overcome them?
What helps in creating a personalized learning plan? A few suggestions: involving a coach or mentor, using SMART goals (specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic, time-bound) and reviewing the plan regularly to adapt to changing needs.
What certainly does not work is setting unrealistic goals or creating a plan that does not match the person's interests and motivations. It is important to understand that a personal learning plan is a dynamic document that should be reviewed and updated regularly. Creating a personal learning plan is an important step to ensure progression and helps in achieving learning goals in the context of a Learning Management System.
#4 Blended Learning, the right way
Putting together a mix of different learning formats is an important step in designing an effective learning pathway. When putting together this blended learning pathway, it is important to consider the target audience and objectives. What material lends itself well to self-study? Instead, what part needs to be learned in practice? Where does social learning come in handy?
When putting together a hybrid learning pathway, it is important to look at the different forms of learning available. Consider classroom training, e-learning, coaching, practical assignments and peer-to-peer learning. Applying a mix of these learning forms contributes to an effective learning path.
Proven successful in practice: the use of e-learning combined with practical assignments and coaching. Here, theory is learned through e-learning modules, while practical assignments and coaching provide application and deepening of the knowledge learned.
What no longer works? Using too much classroom training without following up with practical assignments and coaching. This actually always creates a gap between theory and practice.
Ready for take off?
You've made it to the end: four essential components for developing the best hybrid learning pathway. But now comes the real work: getting started with your own blend! Don't forget to experiment and play with different forms of learning. Your learning journey is a constantly changing process. Learning Management Software helps you gain the insights, based on which you can continually optimize the individual elements. Because today's best learning experience is not necessarily tomorrow's best.