Outcomes client session on 'Social learning' - 8 November 2021
Today we had a nice session with 13 educationalists (clients of Procademy) about Social Learning. The key question was: how can participants effectively learn from each other and how do we ensure good interaction between group members?
Watch the video with a summary of the session on 8 November 2021 here.
Question 1: For what purpose (also) online social learning?
The session taught us that it is very important to let participants learn from each other. It makes for more effective training.
There are various arguments in favour of this, a "sample" from the session:
Increases the participant's motivation (you see other participants actively working: "oy, I have to work too" :)
Multiple perspectives, less soloistic
Applying intervision, supervision and knowledge sharing works
Participant learns to respond (positively?) critically
Learning together, also beyond the specific lesson content
Learning network has unique added value for participants
Question 2: How will you activate participants and get them to participate permanently?
Mutual interaction does not just happen. It is important for the platform to facilitate this properly and for the teacher to set a good example.
Mandatory versus non-mandatory setting in the learning path.
Set time limit, otherwise interaction will not work
Gamification / earning points from a stall.
Role of the teacher super important as a booster and moderator.
Participant/teacher notifications
Clear routing to social area, where should the student be?
We will now start translating the wishes into designs. Want to think along? Put Monday 17 January 2022 in your agenda, we will discuss the designs with each other.