The 9 best reasons for a Cloud LMS More and more organizations are choosing to shape learning in their organization using a Cloud-based LMS. Earlier we even mentioned this as one of the trends in e-learning this year. In the case of a Cloud LMS, it is made available and hosted via the internet. This is a big difference with a locally installed LMS in your organization, and offers many advantages.
Getting started quickly and easily A big advantage of a Cloud LMS over an installed LMS is that getting started is very easy. You don't need to buy and install, test and integrate any software. As a result, the start-up time is much shorter. With a Cloud LMS you can focus earlier and more on creating course content.
Cost effective Installation and implementation is more comprehensive than you might think at first glance: the infrastructure must be in order, for example, a dedicated server for data storage is required, but also system upgrades and maintenance, and employees for support and maintenance cost money. All these things are not necessary for a Cloud LMS, because these things are all outsourced to the vendor. In case of a Cloud LMS, this budget can be put more into content. Especially for small and medium sized organizations, a Cloud LMS is a solution because it often charges an amount per user.
Scalability A Cloud LMS is very easy to scale up. This is ideal for a growing company, but is also possible for organizations in a rapidly changing environment. This does not require the purchase of a new system, but only an addition to the system in the form of extra capacity or functionalities.
Flexibilit y A Cloud LMS is very flexible in several ways. In scalability, but also in the supply of content: using Tin Can API and SCORM exchange standards, you can manage and offer content from different providers in the same system. An infinite number of functionalities are also available for composing a custom LMS. For example reporting, custom registration forms, design, documentation, communication, etc. In addition, online content can be deployed easily and flexibly.
Streamline existing work procedures A Cloud LMS offers extensive possibilities for linking with existing systems, such as your ERP or HRM system. As a result, you always have an up-to-date overview of the knowledge level and certification within the organisation, including practical training courses. Relevant training courses are automatically displayed in the employee's personal learning environment, the offer changes with job changes and notifications are sent when the validity of certificates ends.
Up-to-date knowledge for everyone With a Cloud LMS, everyone always has access to up-to-date knowledge. There are no old versions, but everyone always has the same version in front of them. It is also easy to share and store knowledge in the cloud.
Always and everywhere accessible, with a device of your choice Because a Cloud LMS is made available via the internet, the only condition for access is a device with internet. This makes it possible to log in worldwide, as soon as it suits the employee. In this way, learning can be divided more flexibly into an employee's working day, with gains in production time as a result. In addition, location and travel costs for courses are not required. If desired, access to the company academy can Procademybe limited to the company network and actively allowed IP addresses.
Innovation Procademy is based on open source software. Educators and developers around the world are working on improving the system and adding functionalities. Improvements build on practical questions and are therefore relevant to many other organisations. In the case of their own LMS, room and budget will need to be made available internally for innovation.
Specialist support Thanks to the open source basis, a very extensive knowledge base Procademyis available, which is constantly being supplemented. This allows you to find answers to many questions about the system yourself. The support Procademyteam serves many customers and knows the system inside out, so you will be helped quickly and effectively.